Aylin Viridiana Rojas Bravo graduated from the bachelor in English Language Teaching and has just engaged in the world of research. She studied in the University of Hidalgo State and has experience in teaching children and young adults. Her investigation has focused on teacher’s beliefs with an emphasis on self-efficacy and the motivation of the students in the ELT program from the same university. She is intended to continue deepening research on phenomena that allows improvements in the development of future English language teachers, consequently reinforcing an appropriate and efficacious language teaching-learning process.
Exploring the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and pre-service ELT teachers’ motivation.

Inglés Presencial Presentación Foro de investigadores en enseñanza de lenguas.

Teachers have an influential function in the development of their learners. One characteristic that has been proven particularly consequential is their self-efficacy beliefs. As observed by Sabet, Dehghannezhad, and Tahriri (2018), who stated that “Teachers with a higher sense of self-efficacy are more confident in developing students’ motivation for learning” (p. 12) Within this phenomenon, pre-service teachers are students that should develop a high level of motivation. According to Chuan (2013), "their motivating factors would mostly likely influence the quality of teaching in later years" (p. 6). Therefore, pre-service teachers’ motivation needs reinforcement during their professional development to ensure exceptional educators for future generations. The relationship between teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and learners’ motivation has already been explored in contexts like urban schools in Northeastern Ohio (Ford, 2012); Iranian high schools (Mojavezi & Tamiz, 2012); Iranian language institutes (Sabet, Dehghannezhad & Tahriri, 2018); intermediates colleges in Pakistan (Ghaffar, Hamid, & Thomas, 2019); and Croatian high schools (Burić & Kim, 2020). However, there is no research on this phenomenon in an ELT program. Accordingly, this study is qualitatively exploring the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and pre-service ELT teachers’ motivation in the ELT program at the University of Hidalgo State. Guided by the observation of the participants’ development in the classroom as their regular context and their voices as frames of reference, this research hopes to provide clear insights into the connection between these critical aspects of the preservice teachers' growth as a means to reinforce the world of language teaching and learning.