Anaheim University / President of MATSDA
Brian Tomlinson has worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, curriculum developer, film extra, football coach and university academic in Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, UK, Vanuatu and Zambia, as well as giving invited presentations in over seventy countries. He is Founder and President of MATSDA (the international Materials Development Association), an Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Liverpool and a TESOL Professor at Anaheim University. He has over one hundred publications on materials development, language awareness, teacher development and second language acquisition, and he has recently published Developing Materials for Language Teaching (3rd edition) (Bloomsbury, 2023) as well as co-authoring with Hitomi Masuhara The Complete Guide to the Theory and Practice of Materials Development for Language Learning (Wiley, 2018) and SLA Applied: Connecting Theory and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Principles and Procedures for English Medium Instruction (EMI) (Videoconferencia).

Inglés Presencial Conferencia magistral Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

This presentation will first define and then categorise EMI. After this, it will then go on to detail and exemplify what experts think the principles and procedures of EMI should be, both by reference to relevant second language acquisition theory and to the actual experience of Dr. Tomlinson in the EMI field in action.