Hello, my name is Cristhian Rojas Vite. I am a full-time English teacher and I have 10 years of experience teaching English. I work at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo in the Escuela Superior de Huejutla. I hold a bachelor’s degree in computing systems from the UAEH, a master’s degree in information technology from the UNID, and a specialization in teaching and learning English as a foreign language from the UPN. I hold a Cambridge English and a TOEFL certification, last year I took an intensive English training course at the University of Arkansas in the United States due to a scholarship provided by the Mexican Government. I am a person who likes learning something new every day, and I would like to share what I have learned in this teaching process so far.
Benefits of using CLIL in your classroom.

Inglés Presencial Presentación Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

This presentation will show you how to use the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in your classes. The presentation will allow you to know what are the basics of incorporating CLIL and what are the advantages of it in your classroom. More and more teachers of different subjects have incorporated English as a medium of instruction in their classes in recent years. This language has become essential to transfer knowledge, and CLIL can be used with any subject at school. Especially your students will start learning a second language without noticing that they have to learn English, and this is where the strategies of teaching content with CLILC in the classroom play an important role.