Inglés Presencial Plenaria Congreso Internacional de Lenguas
The presentation will offer 3 best practices that teachers can use today as they teach their EMI courses. Specifically, it will discuss how teachers can assess students’ needs in studying content in English; support students as they learn content in English; and design and implement interactive lessons. The presentation also discusses strategies to overcome some of the challenges that arise in the EMI class. Discussion and QA time will be provided.
Inglés Presencial Taller Congreso Internacional de Lenguas
A crucial key to the success of an EMI course is providing sufficient support for students. One component of student support is to train students on how to learn content in English while also raising their English language proficiency. Another component is having clear learning objectives that are tied to course content and assessments. In this workshop, participants will first learn about EMI best practices in supporting students. We will then look at sample student support materials and then participants will create their own materials for their own EMI courses that they are teaching now or will be in the future.