Ohio University
Dr. Edna Lima has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics & Technology from Iowa State University. She is the Director of Instructional Design & Global Outreach Online Programs and Associate Professor of Instruction at Ohio University. She is the private investigator, developer, and instructor of an EMI grant administered by FHI 360 and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Dr. Lima has extensive experience teaching linguistics and TESOL courses, academic writing and writing for research courses, and oral communication skills for domestic and international teaching assistants. She also has over 26 years of experience teaching EFL, ESL, ESP, and EAP. Her areas of interest include computer-assisted language learning (CALL), English as a medium of instruction, pronunciation and oral communication, language assessment, materials design, and technology applied to language learning and teaching.
English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI): Using Technology to Enhance Benefits, Address Challenges, and to Increase Student Motivation and Learning

Inglés Presencial Plenaria Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

Many EMI professionals have expressed how challenging it can be to engage and motivate their students because of a variety of factors, including students’ low English proficiency or shyness to express themselves in English in class, lack of effective instructional and assessment materials, lack of support for instructors, and so on. In this presentation, I will discuss the use of technological tools to enhance the benefits of EMI, to address some of the challenges that EMI poses to both instructors and students, and to foster motivation and increase learning both inside and outside of the classroom, and to enhance overall academic effectiveness and achievement.

Ponentes: EDNA F. LIMA