Martha holds an undergraduate degree in Education from ITESO University, and an M.Ed. in ELT from the University of St Mark & St John. Martha has been an English teacher for 27 years. She started teaching at ITESO in 2003 and became an academic coordinator in November 2012. Martha also accompanies EMI professors. She was an ICELT tutor from 2011 to 2014 and has been a teacher trainer in projects with both ITESO and SEP.
Supporting learners - Ways to succeed in EMI classes

Inglés Presencial Taller Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

The aim of this workshop is to invite teachers to reflect on the challenges learners face in the English medium instruction (EMI) classroom and raise their awareness of strategies and techniques that can provide learners with the support they need to succeed when studying content courses in English. We will share our experience as ELT professionals and as tutors for professors teaching in English at our university and both provide and encourage participants to create their own materials and activities for an EMI context. For this workshop, we first have participants reflect on the possible challenges of an EMI course for students. Then, we have them discuss how course design, methodology, and other elements might alleviate some of those challenges. Elements such as reflection, interaction, scaffolding, and language support. After that, we provide a possible course design model and examples of materials and activities that facilitate successful learning in a foreign language. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to develop their own sequence of activities for an EMI class bearing in mind the ideas previously discussed for providing sufficient support for students to achieve the learning outcomes. The workshop will close with a reflexive activity where participants analyse what they have seen and done in the workshop, how they might apply this in their own teaching contexts, and consider the importance of fostering reflection as part of the learning process.