Universidad de California en Los Ángeles
Stephen Krashen is emeritus professor at the University of Southern California. Over the last 50 years, he has published over 500 papers and books in second language acquisition, literacy, and bilingual education. Some of these books and papers are available for free download at He no longer write books because they are too expensive; nobody can afford them.
The Power of Free Voluntary Reading (Videoconferencia)

Inglés Virtual Conferencia magistral Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

Studies done over the last 50 years have confirmed that reading, especially self-selected pleasure reading, is a powerful way of stimulating language and literacy development. Studies are also emerging that confirm that self-selected pleasure reading also results in increased knowledge in many different areas, and that reading, especially fiction, can result in a deeper understanding of other people.


Writing and the Power of Revision

Inglés Virtual Conferencia magistral Congreso Internacional de Lenguas

Neil Simon:“mediocre writers write, good writersrewrite.” We do not “learn to write by writing.” Our writing style and accuracy is the result of reading, not writing. But actual writing makes can help us solve problems and contribute to our cognitive development: Writing can make us smarter. This happens though revision.